"People of different skin colors meet in Shenyang, eager to embrace friendship and express their pleasure to all over the world through singing..." Recently, "China·Shenya...
including offering free vocational training to help people find jobs, have proved effective and no terrorist attacks have occurred in the region in the past 21 months, said a senior official. Shohrat Zakir, chairman of Xinjiang, spoke with Xinhua N...
意思不同、所指时间不同、用法不同。at night的意思是在夜里、夜间、夜来,就是我们中文的夜晚,我们常说的晚上大概是天黑以后的时间。in the evening的意思是在晚上,可以按我们常说的傍晚来理解,夕阳将下的时候。 1、at night和in the evening的不同 evening是“傍晚、...
In the evening I liked to walk along the embankment. On weekends, the locals arranged costumed performances on the square near the fountain and it was very interesting to watch them. As a foreigner, I really like this Chinese tradition when people ...
更多内容请点击:...Friendship Gala Evening" and the 6th "Shenyang in the Eyes...